I have been asked to address the issue of multi-cultural participation in Ifa Orisa. This is a topic that I have avoided over the years because in many instances this topic is rooted in the idea of Race. So let me address the issue of Race before engaging in dialogue on the issue of multi-cultural interaction.
The concept of Race is rooted in the deliberate manipulation of history. Until we look at and acknowledge that manipulation the concept continues to be used to create a global divide and conquer mentality that is used for political manipulation.
In the 14th century there was no concept of race. Europe had a gold based economy and received gold by engaging in trade with the Kings and Queens of West Africa. The most famous of these monarchs was Nzinga the Queen of Dahomey. The trade was regulated by the Royal families of West Africa who enjoyed normal diplomatic relations with the Royal Families of Europe. These facts are seldom taught in Western schools. To make the matter even more confusing there are clear indications in the business records of the Port Authority of England that Europe did regular trade with Native Americans from the Western Hemisphere. The records indicate that North American cultures rowed large boats to England and traded furs which were used in European clothing design. That means clothing from that period is further proof of a transatlantic trade. Unfortunately proof and official history are not closely related.
History tells the lie that Christopher Columbus discovered America. Here is another view on that matter. The Knights Templars went to Jerusalem two hundred years before Columbus was born and used the copper scroll to unearth documents and scrolls buried by the Essenes. The Essenes were Egyptian Priests who migrated to Jerusalem at the time of Moses. (Another distorted history for another time.) The Essene documents were taken initially to France and then for political reasons hidden in Scotland under the Chapel at Rosslyn owned by John Sinclair. The Essene documents included world maps that showed the North and South Pole and what is now known as North and South America. To make a long story short the Egyptians were well aware of the Western Hemisphere and the resources to be found there. Many of the Egyptian mummies studied by forensic doctors show clear traces of cocaine that only grows in South America, which was a part of the Egyptian trade routes. There is clear evidence that Columbus was a Knights Templar with access to these maps. Read his diary, from before leaving Spain on his first expedition. In those diaries he says I am taking beads to trade with the indigenous people who live in the New World. How would he know the indigenous people used beads to barter? There is clear evidence that John Sinclair traveled to North America before Columbus and sent records of his exploration back to Europe. Sinclair built a fort that is still standing in Vermont. How much evidence do we need to ignore?
The point is this Christopher Columbus traveled west in a boat because he had knowledge of what was out there and he wanted to find a cheaper source of gold then the gold coming from Africa. The plan ran into a major problem when the diseases brought to Cuba by Columbus and his crew wiped out the indigenous population. In order to fully exploit the natural resources in the West Columbus and the Royal Families of Europe needed a cheap labor force. It was at this point that the Royal Families decided they would create a slave labor force using captured Africans as the core group. The plan was to use captive labor and pay no wages this is called slavery. In order to justify this serious crime against humanity, the Royal Families persuaded the Pope to dehumanize African people. The Pope did this by issuing a Bull, meaning an edict, saying black skin was punishment from God on the descendants of Cain for the crime of killing Abel.
Really, that’s what the concept of race is all about? Sadly it is. My question is this: we have the Papal Bull you can read it in its entirety; it is not buried in the Vatican library, so why are we not taught this in school? Could it be that western education is a deliberate deception?
Personally I find it impossible to indulge in the concept of race because I absolutely do not believe black skin is punishment from God. I do not believe the insane notion that Africans are descendants of Cain. I will not give credibility to a concept designed to excuse a massive crime against humanity. Not only do I not believe it, I cannot imagine how anyone would believe it. I have said it many times before and I will say it again; racism is always justified by racists who claim to be privy to God’s Will. Belief in the idea a human being can know God’s Will is the foundation for all racism. That is always true, I know of no exception, as a religious community Ifa teaches it is taboo to claim to know God’s Will and to this day self-described Awo use their self-delusional connection with God to justify racism, sexism and homophobia. Why this is tolerated in our faith remains a mystery.
Let us examine the motivation for accepting the sins of slavery and the absurdity of the Papal Bull. In the minds of Western Slave traders slavery was justified because it brought Jesus to Africa and with Jesus came the possibility of being forgiven for the sin of killing Abel. This has to rank as one of the dumbest ideas ever advocated by a human mind and yet people repeat this nonsense with their mouth hanging open and their eyes in a glaze. As a child I was a member of a Mormon sponsored Scout troop and the leaders of that troop taught this nonsense as part of the “scouting experience.” Even as a child I understood the absurdity of the argument. How difficult is it to understand this is total lunacy as an adult?
Here is a news flash, saying God made me do it does not work in a court of Law. Why on earth would anyone accept this argument as part of the historical record?
Bringing Jesus into the equation is the elephant in the room. It is the reason why there is no serious effort to address the issue of atonement for the evils of slavery. The justification for slavery has always been no matter how bad slavery was it gave Africans Jesus and the possibility of salvation in Heaven. This is the first and only crime against humanity that is swept under the rug by invoking Heaven and the possibility of salvation from the bleeding heart of the Lord.
The logic seems to be if the Pope said it then it must be true. When did we abandon the idea of common sense, empathy and concern for the human condition?
The idea that Africans were marked by God as punishment for their sins was clearly the historical justification for legalizing slavery at the time of the creation of the US Constitution. There were actually a few of the founding fathers who were conscious enough to think that slavery might not be consistent with the moral values of a country trying to create a democracy that was free from Royal tyranny. Unfortunately the majority of founding fathers were God fearing Christians who were horrified at the idea of having to work to earn a living and preferred legalizing slavery. These same God fearing Christians then used their ill begotten gains as proof they were favored in the eyes of God.
This is a perfect example of twisted logic.
Then we come to the civil war.Some hundred years before the civil war history tells us England took the high moral ground of abolishing slavery.
The British figured out they could colonialize Africa, India, China and South America and place the entire population of a country into indentured servitude, meaning a lifetime of debt, poverty and disenfranchisement in exchange for sending their countries natural resources to London for trade. The only competition to their plan was from Spain which was rooted in a slave based economy. Britain attacked Spanish slave ships not from a moral point of view but from the point of view of creating a monopoly over the global economy. They attacked slave ships to destroy competition from Spain not to rid the world of an evil institution.
To fully understand the insidiousness of the British colonial plan we need to look at the history of the founding of the United States. George Washington did not defeat the British. There was no final victory in battle and there was no official surrender. The British simply stopped fighting. Any serious student of history needs to ask the question why did they do that? It was part of the British plan of indentured servitude for all Americans. The Revolutionary War ended in 1776. The British troops remained in American until 1796. They stopped fighting in exchange for the mining rights to all the gold in the thirteen colonies. To this day all the gold mines on the east coast are owned by the Royal Family of England. This gold is used as the collateral for the creation of money by the Bank of England. Britain agreed to end the war in exchange for the right to own all our gold and for the right to print US currency. To this day every time the US mint prints a dollar we pay the Bank of England a dollar for permission to issue the currency. The famous duel between Hamilton and Burr was about the absurdity of this arrangement. When Congress threatened to print money on its own the British troops stationed in the colonies burnt Washington D.C. to the ground. In the ultimate irony of this absurdity the British troops stationed in the US were from Germany and Africa. Rather than pay the African troops, Britain gave them the island of Trinidad as payment. Why does history not tell us the British troops who fought the Americans in the Revolutionary War were Africans?
The answer is simple, if the Africans formed an army you cannot argue they were sub human.
The point is this was all about economic manipulation.
The American civil war on some level was about the elimination of slavery. Western education fails to tell us that the self-righteous anti-slavery British financed the Southern pro slavery rebellion. They also financed the northern anti-slavery abolitionists who elected Lincoln president. To hide their involvement in financing both sides the Bank of England used the Vatican bank to launder their money. The bank of England who was still printing US dollars made a fortune on the death of a half million Americans. When the war came to an end Lincoln announced he was going to stop paying the Bank of England to print US currency. A month later he was killed by John Wilkes Booth at Ford Theater in Washington D.C. The man who was shot by the army in a barn and who was identified as John Wilkes Booth was four inches taller than Booth, had red hair and was castrated prior to his death. Castration was part of a ritual to join a radical right wing pro Catholic organization used as terrorists during the Civil War. Immediately after the assassination of Lincoln, Congress broke off ties with the Vatican which were not reestablished until the Reagan Presidency. Congress also voted to continue paying the bank of England for printing US currency.
After extensive debate Congress agreed to set up a fund to compensate the descendants of slavery by financing forty acres and a mule for every freed slave in America. That money immediately disappeared into the vaults of the Bank of England.
Are we seeing a pattern here?
The Bank of England decided they were becoming too obvious in the United States so during the Roosevelt administration a group of bankers meet on an island off the coast of Georgia and decided to change the name of the Bank of England to the Federal Reserve Bank. Then they passed a law making it illegal to know the names of the directors of the Federal Reserve Bank. President Kennedy announced he was going to shut down the Federal Reserve Bank and start printing US currency through the US mint. Several months later he took a trip to Dallas and the Bank of England still prints US dollars.
But I digress. The Nazi party came to power in Germany in 1935. The leaders of the Nazi party were horrified to notice that Germany universities taught the idea that Western culture originated in Egypt. This idea was unacceptable to the Nazi party who firmly believed Africans were marked by God for the sin of killing Abel and the idea of giving them credit for German culture was politically offensive. So the Nazi party passed a law making it illegal to teach the idea that European culture originated in Africa. Teaching this idea was a crime. At the same time the Nazi party gave huge sums of money to German doctors and told them to find the scientific proof that Germans were biologically and genetically superior to all other “Races.” The Germans searched and searched for the proof and never found it.
No matter.
Hitler simply announced that all Germans were part of God’s plan to create a Master Race and the only requirement to be favored by God’s plan was blond hair, blues eyes and light skin. A man named Joseph Mengele then used human subjects in concentration camps to test his theories on how to lighten the color of skin, how to change brown eyes into blue eyes and how to transform dark hair into blond hair. Many of his subjects died in the process and his efforts were a total failure.
Are we surprised?
To me the concept of Race was created by evil people with evil intentions. Anyone who believes differently needs to read a book and study a little history.
Having said that does not diminish the fact that many people were seriously wounded and continue to be seriously denigrated by the fact that the majority of people on the planet believe race is a real category of human differentiation.
Awo Falokun
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