Friday, March 20, 2015

Irete-Ogbe - How Odu became Orunmila's wife Part 8

"Orunmila consulted his Babalawo who consulted Ifa.  Orunmila was told, "If we teach a person to be intelligent, that person will be intelligent, if we teach a person to be stupid, that person will be stupid.  Ifa told Orunmila to take Odu as his wife.  The Babalawo said a power is in the hands of Odu.  They said because of this power Orunmila must make an offering to the Earth.  They said the offering must be made for the welfare of all people.  The said the offering must be made so Odu will not kill people, and so Odu will not eat people because the power of Odu is greater than the power of Orunmila.  They said Orunmila must quickly make ebo.  The Babalawo gave him the ingredients for the ebo."


In the previous section of the verse the point is made that the power of Odu is morally neutral from the point of view of human judgment.  This section of the verse is saying that Odu comes in alignment with Orunmila so that the power of Odu will be used for the good of the people.  One of the primary responsibilities of those who are initiated into the mysteries of Orunmila is to provide communal guidance through the study and use of Ifa divination.  Morally judgments are based on weighing the needs of the individual against the needs of the collective.  If all decisions were made based on personal needs there would be little if any communal harmony.  Odu aligns herself with Orunmila to insure harmony in nature and harmony in the world of humans.

Again if we look at Ifa scripture as multi-dimensional metaphor the Concept of Odu is the concept of inter-dimensional transference of ase or energy.  Olodumare from the elision Olo odu osumare meaning the owner of the mystery of the Rainbow Serpent is a reference to Olodumare being the source of physical reality.  The concept of Rainbow Serpent is the concept of the full spectrum of light which in Western Science is created by sound and in Ifa is created by Oro or the power of the Primal Word.  Olo odu is a reference to the primal womb that gave birth to all of Creation.
As topographical metaphor this section of the Scripture is saying that balance is essential in the Natural World to avoid self-destruction.  The physical world comes into Being through the polarity of electromagnetism and gravity and through the polarity of the weak and strong forces that create atoms.  If gravity were to become stronger than light the Universe would crash in on itself and implode.

On a personal level the verse is suggesting there is value in balancing the male consciousness with female consciousness in both men and women.  This is the reason why it is common in many lineages to identify a father and mother Orisa.  It is the integration of these primal forces of expansion and contraction that gives shape to personal identity.

The verse is also saying the power of Odu is stronger than the power of Orunmila and that the power of Odu must be given to men by women.  The reference is the idea that Orunmila must take Odu as his wife.  Some would incorrectly interpret this to mean Orunmila must control Odu.  I believe a better interpretation would be that Orunmila needs to create harmony with Odu.

This harmony is created by men in a number of ways.  When a man enters Igbodu he is presented to Igba Odu or the pot that represents primal female energy.  This presentation puts a man in contact or I would say puts a man in possession with female ase.  The experience of being presented to the Odu pot puts a man’s ori in balance.  It balances right brain, left brain polarity which can be described metaphorically as integrating the male and female aspect of the Ori.

The integration of Ori is the event that allows an Ifa initiate to become an effective diviner.  If a diviner cannot empathize with the female experience he cannot accurately identify the source of problems brought to him by a woman and this inability makes his divination ineffective.

The reference to the idea of teaching someone to be stupid makes someone stupid and the idea of teaching someone  intelligent makes them intelligent is I believe essential to understanding the Ifa system of initiation.

Intelligence is not about how much you know, intelligence is about transforming experience into wisdom.  The process of integration experience into wisdom involves the integration of the male and female aspect of Ori.  Without this integration there is ongoing conflict between men and women that leads to conflict in family which leads to conflict in the community until the world becomes an unsafe place to live.

The current state of violence in the world is a testimony to the failure of culture to teach wisdom.

The verse is saying that if you teach a person to be wise they will use spiritual power in a positive way.  If you teach a person to be stupid they will use spiritual power in a thoughtless and potential destructive way.  The implication here is that spiritual power is given in conjunction with ethical guidance and development of good character as an issue of survival.

Awo Falokun

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