Saturday, October 31, 2015

Owonrin Meji: As Documented by Baba Ayo Salami (Ibae), With Interpretations by Awo Falokun Fatunmbi

Lean on me
Such that I could lean on you
As Nettles do lean on wild grasses
We should learn to lean on each other

Commentary:  Owonrin brings the internal chaos and confusion that leads to personal growth.  Ifa teaches that the ori that creates a problem is never the ori that fixes a problem which is why Ifa extended family stresses the importance of elders.  An elder who has fixed a problem in their life has the medicine to fix that problem form the next generation.  This process is called spiritual guidance.

Cast divination for Siejide;
That would take to commerce as a means of

Commentary:  the Odu is addressing the issue of clearing away confusion in order to be effective in the process of creating abundance.

Siejide; was however the daughter of the king of Òyó
She specialized in marketing
She had traded and traded
She could not record good sales
She then added two cowries to three
And went to Òrúnmìlà

Commentary:  The client here has resources and opportunity but is not using them effectively.  Adding two cowries to three means the client realized she had a spiritual problem related to her work in an ineffective business so she saved her money and went to the diviner for guidance.

She called on the priests Owon Owo laa na wo; mini
The priests Owon Owo la; na wo pesun
The priests Nto ba won laa pe niyan
That the three of them should cast divination, using
Ìbò for her

Commentary: the client is consulting three diviners stressing the value of solving an internal problem with the assistance of elders.

Siejide, they called her attention
You have traded and traded, you have no sales is
your reason for consulting Ifá
‘Offer sacrifice’, they advised
‘You will record sales in your trade.
Siejide then performed the sacrifice
She finished observing the sacrifice and started
having riches

Commentary: when the verses of Odu Ifa refer to making sacrifice, they are not necessarily referring to the offering.  In this instance the sacrifice is letting go of the ineffective behavior.

She was dancing and rejoicing
She was praising her Babaláwos
Her Babaláwos were praising Ifá
She said it was as her Babaláwos had said
Lean on me
Such that I could lean on you
As nettles do lean on wild grasses
We should lean on each other
Cast divination for Siejide
That would take to commerce as a means of
The one that was also the princess of the king of Òyó
Sacrifices is the way out, they had prescribed
Therefore come and buy of the articles of the king’s
You should all crowd together to buy the scarce
Come and buy of the commodities of the child of the king.

Commentary:  These lines are the oriki ire, they re-confirm the idea that the client has the resources to create abundance but was not using them effectively. In a metaphysical sense Owonrin is the source of the confusion that leads to elevation.  The reason we experience confusion in the process of elevation is because embracing good fortune involves letting go of old habits that do not serve us well.  This process is literally the death of the old self and in the human condition the death of the old self frequently meets with opposition.  That is why we have a community of elders who reinforce positive change in our life.

As a topographical metaphor chaos is part of the structure of the universe.  Science teaches us that when something appears to be in  a state of chaos, we can see order in the chaos if we get a new perspective and view the chaos from a distance.  Chaos is simply a state of change and change inevitably leads to resolution.  By viewing chaos from a distance we can anticipate and guide the chaos into a new state of organized complexity.

Awo Falokun Fatunmbi

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Honoring Ivan Van Sertima

“You can not make yourself whole again by brooding one hundred percent of the time on the darkness of the world. We are the light of the world.” 
Ivan Van Sertima

A Gathering of Resources by Ifasalewa Fagbemi Ogunride
In Honor of Ivan Van Sertima

Ivan Gladstone Van Sertima (26 January 1935 – 25 May 2009)

Ivan Van Sertima was born in Guyana, South America.  He was educated at the School of Oriental and African Studies (London University) and the Rutgers Graduate School and holds degrees in African Studies and Anthropology.  From 1957-1959 he served as a Press and Broadcasting Officer in the Guyana Information Services.  During the decade of the 1960s he broadcast weekly from Britain to Africa and the Caribbean.

He is a literary critic, a linguist, an anthropologist and has made a name in all three fields.  

As a literary critic, he is the author of Caribbean Writers, a collection of critical essays on the Caribbean novel.  He is also the author of several major literary reviews published in Denmark, India, Britain and the United States.  He was honored for his work in this field by being asked by the Nobel Committee of the Swedish Academy to nominate candidates for the Nobel Prize in Literature from 1976-1980.  He has also been honored as an historian of world repute by being asked to join UNESCO's International Commission for Rewriting the Scientific and Cultural History of Mankind.

As a linguist, he has published essays on the dialect of the Sea Islands off the Georgia Coast.  He is also the compiler of the Swahili Dictionary of Legal Terms, based on his field work in Tanzania, East Africa, in 1967.

He is the author of They Came Before Columbus: The African Presence in Ancient America, which was published by Random House in 1977 and is presently in its twenty-ninth printing.  It was published in French in 1981 and in the same year, was awarded the Clarence L. Holte Prize, a prize awarded every two years “for a work of excellence in literature and the humanities relating to the cultural heritage of Africa and the African diaspora.”

He also authored Early America Revisited, a book that has enriched the study of a wide range of subjects, from archaeology to anthropology, and has resulted in profound changes in the reordering of historical priorities and pedagogy.

Professor of African Studies at Rutgers University, Dr. Van Sertima was also Visiting Professor at Princeton University.  He is the Editor of the Journal of African Civilizations, which he founded in 1979 and has published several major anthologies which have influenced the development of multicultural curriculum in the United States.  These anthologies include Blacks in Science: ancient and modern, Black Women in Antiquity, Egypt Revisited, Egypt: Child of Africa, Nile Valley Civilizations (now included within the pages of Egypt: Child of Africa), African Presence in the Art of the Americas, African Presence in Early Asia (co-edited with Runoko Rashidi), African Presence in Early Europe, African Presence in Early America, Great African Thinkers, Great Black Leaders: ancient and modern and Golden Age of the Moor.

As an acclaimed poet, his work graces the pages of River and the Wall, 1953 and has been published in English and German.  As an essayist, his major pieces were published in Talk That Talk, 1989, Future Directions for African and African American Content in the School Curriculum, 1986, Enigma of Values, 1979, and in Black Life and Culture in the United States, 1971.

Dr. Van Sertima has lectured at more than 100 universities in the United States and has also lectured in Canada, the Caribbean, South America and Europe.  In 1991 Dr. Van Sertima defended his highly controversial thesis on the African presence in pre-Columbian America before the Smithsonian.  In 1994 the Smithsonian published his address in Race, Discourse and the Origin of the Americas: A New World View of 1492.

He was also asked by Congress to appear before a Congressional Committee on July 7, 1987 to challenge the Columbus myth.  This landmark presentation before Congress was illuminating and brilliantly presented in the name of all peoples of color across the world.


They Came Before Columbus

They Came Before Columbus reveals a compelling, dramatic, and superbly detailed documentation of the presence and legacy of Africans in ancient America. Examining navigation and shipbuilding; cultural analogies between Native Americans and Africans; the transportation of plants, animals, and textiles between the continents; and the diaries, journals, and oral accounts of the explorers themselves, Ivan Van Sertima builds a pyramid of evidence to support his claim of an African presence in the New World centuries before Columbus. Combining impressive scholarship with a novelist’s gift for storytelling, Van Sertima re-creates some of the most powerful scenes of human history: the launching of the great ships of Mali in 1310 (two hundred master boats and two hundred supply boats), the sea expedition of the Mandingo king in 1311, and many others. In They Came Before Columbus, we see clearly the unmistakable face and handprint of black Africans in pre-Columbian America, and their overwhelming impact on the civilizations they encountered.


Ifasalewa Fagbemi Ogunride
ADE Enterprises, LLC
Egbe Ogun Si Wa

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Obara Meji As Documented by Baba Ayo Salami (ibae), with Interpretations by Awo Falokun Fatunmbi

Osolo the priest of Awòn
Casts divination for Awòn
On the day he was going to wash his Orí of wealth in
the river

Commentary:  Obara is the Odu that incarnates humility in the struggle with arrogance.  For those who are struggling to find abundance cleaning away the negative effects of arrogance is the first step towards accessing your ability to create abundance.

Would it be easier for me? He asked
They told him that it would be easy for him
But he was advised to perform sacrifice to Òsun

Commentary:  Osun as the wife of Sango creates a balance between the strong leadership skills of Sango that can lead to arrogance and the generosity of Osun which is rooted in a genuine concern for others.

He offered the sacrifice
Life then pleased him
He started having children
He afterwards took all his children to Òsun
‘Death must not kill the child of Awòn’, they

Commentary: The word Awon means them, it is a reference to being a part of a community.  Taking your children to Osun implies teaching your children the value of generosity and concern for others.  This is a fundamental step in the process of building healthy community.

Life pleased them so much
Òsun took good care of him and his children
And also petted them all

Commentary:  The word petted is not the best translation the inference here is that Osun loved and nurtured her children which again is the foundation for creating community.

He was dancing and rejoicing
He was praising his Babaláwo
His Babaláwo was praising Ifá
He said it was as his Babaláwo had said
Osolo; the priest of Awòn
Casts divination for Awon
On the day he was going to wash his Orí of wealth in
the river
Osolo; is here really
He is the priest of Awòn
Don’t you all know that good Orí is what Awòn washes in the river

Commentary:  This is the oriki ire and it asks for the ori to be cleaned so it can return to its original state of being blessed by Creation.

Obara as a topographical metaphor is the ability of the world around us to transform itself based on evolving conditions.  It is the idea that the universe is a living thing constantly creating new dynamics and new information.  The blessing of Ifa is that it teaches how to communicate with the Universe in a language we understand.

Awo Falokun Fatunmbi

Thursday, August 6, 2015


(Invocation for Good Fortune)

Owonrin Meji,  Owonrin Meji,  Owonrin Meji,

The Reversed Head, the Reversed Head, the Reversed Head,

mo be yin,  ki eso ibi de rere fun mi ni gbogbo ojo aye mi,  ki emi - re s'owo, ki emi mi gun ki ara mi kiole,  ki nma ri ayipada di buburu lojo aye mi ati beebee.

I beg you, turn evil to good throughout all my days on earth, that I might be rich, that all my life will be lengthened and that my health will always be good, and that turning from good to bad may not reach me in all my days in the world.

Owonrin Meji.  Ase.

The Reversed Head. May it be so.

(Song for Good Fortune)

Owon mì jó, Owon mì yó, Owon ti mí ota oye b'ofò.

Owon day dance, Owon day be joyful.  Owon has brought the staff of hi chieftancy from the sea.

Owon mì jó, Owon mì yó.

Owon day dance, Owon day be joyful.

(Song for Good Fortune)

Òlógbò dúdú ese,  gòòlò ma se lo,  gòòlò ma se bo.

Black cat, sluggish I will go, Sluggish I will come back.

Shop Ifa Books Inc:

- Awo Falokun

Sunday, July 19, 2015

ORÍKÌ / ORIN IROSUN MEJI (Invocation for Good Fortune)

(Invocation for Good Fortune)

Irosun Meji,  Irosun Meji, Irosun Meji,
The Sounding Osun, the Sounding Osun, the Sounding Osun.
Mo be yin, kie jeki awon omo - araye gburo, mi pe mo l’owo l´owo pe mo niyi, pe mo n'ola, pe mo bimo rere ati beebee.
I beg you, let the whole world hear of me, that I am rich, that I have honor, that I have prestige, that my children will be good.
Kie jeki won gbo iro mi kaakiri agbaye,  Irosun Meji.  Ase.
Let them hear around the world that I am a good and blessed person. The Sounding Osun.  May it be so.

(Song for Good Fortune)

Emi won,  emi won è le pa 'Àpéni.  Ìdárí oró ki pa oró.
Their mouth, their mouth, cannot kill l'apeni.  Idari the Smith cannot kill the Smith.
Emi won,  emi won èle pa 'Àpéni.
Their mouth, their mouth, cannot kill l'apeni.

(Song for Good Fortune)

Baba ma je nikan je nikan je.  Iyán ti mo gún.  Baba ma je nikan je.
Father don't let me eat along.  I have prepared soup.  Father don't let me eat alone.
Obè ti mo se. Baba ma je nikan je.
I have my knife.  Father don't let me eat alone.

- Awo Falokun

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Irosun Meji As Documented by Baba Ayo Salami (Ibae), With Interpretations by Awo Falokun Fatunmbi

Eji Ìrosùn did not fast.

Commentary:  to say someone does not fast is to imply they are spiritual evolved and have no need of taking extraordinary measure to continue to grow and evolve.   They are in alignment with their destiny.

Casts divination for Oni;
The child of the clan Onisin ikô of Kolojo
On the day he was crying because of children
They told him that he would have many children
That his life would be better
And that all good things would stand by him
But he was advised to offer sacrifice for children

Commentary:  when the Odu is asking for a blessing of children there is an implication here of requesting children, a healthy relationship and the means to take care of a family.

Oni; then offered the sacrifice
Life so pleased Oni;
He then was dancing and rejoicing
He was praising his Babaláwo
His Babaláwo was praising Ifá
He said it was as his Babaláwo had said
Eji Ìrosùn did not fast
Casts divination for Oni;
The child of the clan Onisin ikoô of Kolojo
On the day he was crying because of children
They told him that he would have many children
But should perform sacrifice for children
He that used Isin as sacrifice
What do we call such a person?
The mother of Moôjesôin
The father of Moôjesôin
It is Moôjesôin that brought children into this world in multitudes

Commentary:  These lines are the oriki ire.  In liturgical Yoruba the word irosun refers to menstrual blood.  Due to the influence of Christianity in the Diaspora menstrual blood is often viewed as something that is spiritually unclean and necessitates keeping menstrual blood away from sacred objects.  Irosun from the elision I ro Osun meaning the spirit of Osun descends.

Osun is the spirit that protects the ori and it makes the journey from Orun to Aye at the moment a child is conceived.  Menstrual blood is essential to the procreation process and is the medium for cleansing the womb as the receptacle of genetic inheritance.  The use of red camwood called Irosun as an ase (substance with spiritual power) in making some Orisa, is I believe a substitute for menstrual blood.  The use of camwood powder can be looked at as a request to the ancestors for their blessing.

In the cycle of life, death and rebirth ogbe is the first expression of life.  In irosun we have life that becomes manifest as a result of rebirth and rebirth creates the process we call evolution.

Awo Falokun

Saturday, June 27, 2015

ORÍKÌ ODI MEJI: Invocación A La Buena Fortuna

Odi Meji, Odi Meji, Odi Meji,

Odi Meji, Odi Meji, Odi Meji

mo be yin,  kie bami di ona ofo, kie bami di odo ofo,  kie bami di ona ejo, kie bami di ona ibi,  kie bami di ona Esu, 

Le pido que me cierre el camino de la perdición, ciérreles el camino de la perdición a mis hijos, a mi compañero/a y a mi familia, cierre el camino de las luchas contra mí, cierre el camino de la negatividad contra mí, cierre el camino de la ruptura con Esu

Ni nri'di joko pe nile aye.  Kiema jeki nba won ku - Iku ajoku. 

Permita que me siente tranquilamente en el mundo. Permita que no muera en una epidemia

Okan ewon kiike.

Un eslabón en una cadena no hace una cerradura

Kie se - Odi agbara yi mi ka,  Ki owo mi ka'pa omo araye bi omo Odi tiika'lu. Ase.

Rezo para que usted se ponga voluntariamente a mí alrededor, de la misma manera que pusimos un jardín alrededor de un patio.

- Awo Falokun

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Irosun Meji by Ayo Salami - Commentary by Awo Falokun

Irosun Meji as Documented by Baba Ayo Salami (Ibae), with Interpretations by Awo Falokun Fatunmbi

Eji Ìrosùn did not fast.

Commentary:  To say someone does not fast is to imply they are spiritual evolved and have no need of taking extraordinary measure to continue to grow and evolve.   They are in alignment with their destiny.

Casts divination for Oni;
The child of the clan Onisin ikô of Kolojo
On the day he was crying because of children
They told him that he would have many children
That his life would be better
And that all good things would stand by him
But he was advised to offer sacrifice for children

Commentary:  When the Odu is asking for a blessing of children there is an implication here of requesting children, a healthy relationship and the means to take care of a family.

Oni; then offered the sacrifice
Life so pleased Oni;
He then was dancing and rejoicing
He was praising his Babaláwo
His Babaláwo was praising Ifá
He said it was as his Babaláwo had said
Eji Ìrosùn did not fast
Casts divination for Oni;
The child of the clan Onisin ikoô of Kolojo
On the day he was crying because of children
They told him that he would have many children
But should perform sacrifice for children
He that used Isin as sacrifice
What do we call such a person?
The mother of Moôjesôin
The father of Moôjesôin
It is Moôjesôin that brought children into this world in multitudes

Commentary:  These lines are the oriki ire.  In liturgical Yoruba the word irosun refers to menstrual blood.  Due to the influence of Christianity in the Diaspora menstrual blood is often viewed as something that is spiritually unclean and necessitates keeping menstrual blood away from sacred objects.  Irosun from the elision I ro Osun meaning the spirit of Osun descends.
Osun is the spirit that protects the ori and it makes the journey from Orun to Aye at the moment a child is conceived.  Menstrual blood is essential to the procreation process and is the medium for cleansing the womb as the receptacle of genetic inheritance.  The use of red camwood called Irosun as an ase (substance with spiritual power) in making some Orisa, is I believe a substitute for menstrual blood.  The use of camwood powder can be looked at as a request to the ancestors for their blessing.

In the cycle of life, death and rebirth ogbe is the first expression of life.  In irosun we have life that becomes manifest as a result of rebirth and rebirth creates the process we call evolution.

Awo Falokun

Saturday, June 20, 2015

ORÍKÌ ODI MEJI: Invocation for Good Fortune

Odi Meji, Odi Meji, Odi Meji,

The Seal, the Seal, the Seal,

mo be yin,  kie bami di ona ofo, kie bami di odo ofo,  kie bami di ona ejo, kie bami di ona ibi,  kie bami di ona Esu,

I beg you, close the way of losses to me, close the way of losses for my children, my mate and my family, close the way of litigation against me, close the way of negativity against me, close the way of disruption from the Spirit of the Trickster.

Ni nri'di joko pe nile aye.  Kiema jeki nba won ku - Iku ajoku.

Let me sit quietly in the world. Let me not die in an epidemic.

Okan ewon kiike.

One link in a chain will not make a lock.

Kie se - Odi agbara yi mi ka,  Ki owo mi ka'pa omo araye bi omo Odi tiika'lu. Ase.

I pray that you will rally around me, in the same way that we put a garden around a yard. May it be so.

Awo Falokun

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Friday, June 19, 2015

Dylann Storm Roof: Our Moral Responsibilities Over Differences

Dylann Storm Roof is another name in a long list of criminals the media describes as “lone assassins.”  We are supposed to believe “lone assassins” are tormented individuals who sit in dark corners of their unclean bedrooms planning mass murders with no outside help or encouragement.  I believe we are way past the need to call BS on media coverage of this insanity.  If I hear one more talking head say; “The suspect was described as a quiet loner who did not have many friends.  Neighbors and friends were shocked to learn the young man went on a violent killing spree with no apparent motivation.”
Does anyone believe that?

Based on the little we know the tired scenario of random violence does not fit the picture.  Witnesses say Roof entered the building and asked specifically for Rev. Clementa C. Pinckney.  Once the pastor was identified by members of the congregation, Roof sat next to him for close to an hour during a prayer meeting before opening fire.  Pinckney was the first to die in the gun fire.  When a murder suspect asks people to identify someone who he shortly thereafter shoots and kills it is not an act of random violence by a lone assassin, it is, in the language of the law, a premeditated murder.  There is no grey area here.  Witnesses describe a murder not a random act of violence.

This begs the question who was Rev. Clementa C. Pinckney?  He was both the pastor of the historic Emanual AME Church in Charleston South Carolina and a popular state politician.  His church was burnt down in the 1890’s because it was used by freed Africans to advocate an end to slavery prior to emancipation.  Recently Rev. Pinckney challenged the official version of the murder by police of Walter Scott.  He made his remarks on the floor of the South Carolina State Senate assembly room.  In his role as pastor he organized demonstrations against what is clearly a tendency by police to kill unarmed black men.

The initial police report of the Walter Scott homicide was that Scott took a Taser gun from Officer Michal Thomas Slager who feared for his life and shot him.  A video of the incident shows Slager shooting Scott n the back and then dropping the Tazer next to the body after he was fatally wounded.  The Video was released by a group called Black Lives Matter.  Here is a list of their demands:

We say no more.
·         We demand an end to all forms of discrimination and the full recognition of our human rights.
·         We demand an immediate end to police brutality and the murder of Black  people and all oppressed people.
·         We demand full, living wage employment for our people.
·         We demand decent housing fit for the shelter of human beings and an end to gentrification.
·         We demand an end to the school to prison pipeline & quality education for all.
·         We demand freedom from mass incarceration and an end to the prison industrial complex.
·         We demand a racial justice agenda from the White House that is inclusive of our shared fate as Black men, women, trans and gender-nonconforming people. Not My Brother’s Keeper, but Our Children’s Keeper.
·         We demand access to affordable healthy food for our neighborhoods.
·         We demand an aggressive attack against all laws, policies, and entities that disenfranchise any community from expressing themselves at the ballot.
·         We demand a public education system that teaches the rich history of Black people and celebrates the contributions we have made to this country and the world.
·         We demand the release of all U.S. political prisoners
·         We demand an end to the military industrial complex that incentivizes private corporations to profit off of the death and destruction of Black and Brown communities across the globe.

Black lives matter was founded by Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi following the acquittal of George Zimmerman for the killing of Trayvon Martin.  At least one of these women has been active in the Orisa community in Oakland, and the Bay Ifa Orisa community has actively supported some of their events.

        The question is, did the video released by Black Lives Matter influence the remarks made by Rev. Pinckney on the floor of the South Carolina assembly and was his murder a message?

        When Darren Wilson killed Michael Brown in Ferguson the local Grand Jury declined to prosecute.  Darren Wilson resigned as a police officer.  The local prosecutor helped raise two and half million dollars to assist Wilson in his retirement.  

        The question is what kind of message was sent to Police Officers when Darren Wilson was paid two and half dollars as a result of his fame from killing Michael Brown?

I spent thirty years of my life working as a private investigator defending suspects accused of murder.  Based on all those years of dealing with this issue on a professional basis I am saying flat, out, the killing of Clementa Pinckney was not a random act of violence, it was a well-planned, consciously conceived pre-meditated murder.

Listen to the totally absurd comment of Attorney General Loretta Lynch.  She said; “We will now be looking at all of the facts, all of the motivations that led this individual, if in fact he is the shooter.  It is really premature to determine which is the best venure, either state of federal, to pursue this matter.”


Premeditated murder is a state offense.  There is no Federal law against murder.  If you make an effort to identify a victim, locate the victim and then kill that person you have committed first degree murder, PERIOD.  There is no State in the United States that requires proof of motive as an element for the charge of first degree murder, none.  As the chief law enforcement officer in the United States I would hope the Attorney General understands the laws against murder.

There is only one reason why the Federal Government would want to be involved.  The reason is they have something to hide.

Remember Chandra Levy?  Chandra was an intern working for Representative Gary Condit.  Part of her responsibilities working for Condit was to schedule press conferences with the Bureau of Prisons.  She was the person who issued press passes to reporters who asked to cover the execution of convicted Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh.  On the day Chandra disappeared she told a journalist friend she was present at McVeigh’s execution.  After he was given the lethal injection she saw him get up off the execution table and walk out of the prison escorted to a black van by men dressed in suits.  Chandra was so fearful for her life; she booked a flight to France and was never seen again. 

The lawyers who defended her convicted killer are asking for a retrial based on physical evidence that Chandra did not die at the place where prosecutors claimed their client committed the murder.  In other words if the convicted killer was in the park where law enforcement claims she was killed he is innocent. 

How is that relevant to the case against Mr. Storm Roof?

It certainly suggests that law enforcement might have an agenda, and it suggests the media will support that agenda regardless of the facts.

I believe the Ifa Orisa community has a moral obligation to challenge the deliberate distortions that surround this issue.  We need to set aside the religious differences that make working together in ritual difficult and focus on our moral responsibilities as role models in our community.

May it be so.

Awo Falokun

Friday, May 22, 2015

Iwori Meji As Documented by Baba Ayo Salami (Ibae) - with Interpretations by Awo Falokun Fatunmbi

Laamboko Cricket
Let her not lament again
Before dusk it may be clothed

Commentary:  In Nature Crickets sing all night and then stop at sunrise.  In Ifa when there is a serious problem egbe Ifa meets from sundown to sunup to chant oriki and pray for good fortune.  The awo literally sing all night just like the crickets.

Cast divination for Ode Gbansasa
The one that had been crying of having no companion
‘Would I have companions in life’? He asked

Commentary:  Odu Ifa promises blessings of children, abundance and long life.  In this verse Odu is promising a blessing of good relationships.

They asked him to perform sacrifice
Ode Gbansasa brought out his sacrifice
And performed it.

Commentary:  The word iwori from the elision I awo ori meaning I am the mystery of consciousness.   The mystery of consciousness is the idea that consciousness is in a constant state of change.  This change can be for the better or worse.  When we make offerings we are making a covenant with Creation we are making a commitment to change for the better.  That means we are making a commitment to develop iwa pele.

Once Èsù becomes attracted to the sacrificial money
Immediately after the observance of the sacrifice
It would mark the arrival of fortunes

Commentary: This means the offering was accepted and Esu took the clients prayers to the Immortals in Orun.

The sacrifice proved efficient for Ode Gbansasa
Life pleased him
He said it was as his Babaláwos said
Laamboko Cricket
Let her not lament again
It may be clothed before dusk
Cast divination for Ode Gbansasa
The one crying of having no companion
They had asked him to perform sacrifice
Ode heard about the sacrifice
And performed it
The success of Ode merits dancing
The success of Ode deserves being joyful
Ode Gbansasa
Come and see the functions being performed by Ode
Ode Gbansasa
Come and dance to rhythms of drums
Ode Gbansasa.

Commentary:  These lines are the oriki ire, or the prayer that is spoken when making ebo to transform ibi into ire.  Iwori is the idea that everything in the universe is in a constant state of change.  Ifa teaches that ori or consciousness can be guided by ori or consciousness through the use of inovcaton and prayer.

As topographical metaphor iwori is the fire in the center of a star that heats atoms creating the table of elements.  Iwori is the fire in which the atoms are in a state of creation that has not yet been completed.

Awo Falokun is available for Ifa / Orisa Initiations and Workshops. Call: 775-741-0188 or email: for more information.

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Thursday, May 21, 2015

ORIN OYEKU MEJI: Song For Good Fortune

Ìyòyò ke wa yo fun mi o.  Ìyòyò ke wa yo fun mi o.

Joyfullness, let people come with joy to me.  Joyfullness, let people come with joy to me.

A mi yò nilé,  a mi yo lájò.  Ìyòyò ayè e, Ìyòyò.

Be joyfull at home and be joyfull at the farm.  Joyfullness, let the world be filled with joy.

Mo ru iyán, mo ru ìyán o.  Ule edun pa pòjù.  Ule edun pa pòjù.

I sacrificed pounded yam, I sacrificed pounded yam.  Ape's children become many.  Ape's children become many.

Mo ru iyán, mo ru ìyán o.  Ule edun pa pòjù.

I sacrificed pounded yam, I sacrificed pounded yam.

For more Ifa Orisa Songs and Oriki click the button below:

Awo Falokun is available for Ifa / Orisa Initiations and Workshops. Call: 775-741-0188 or email: for more information.

Free Shipping, Wholesale Pricing for study groups and organizations available.
Email: for more information.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Ifa and the Physics of Nikola Tesla by Awo Falokun

Agbo Ato,

I believe Ifa is rooted in deep physics. Last week I posted an article on the difference between the world view of Einstein and Nikola Tesla, making the observation that I believed Tesla was close to Ifa physics than Einstein.  I want to make comments on that article to support my belief.

Tesla vs EinsteinMarc J. Seifer, New Dawn
Waking Times
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was an electrical inventor, well known as a competitor of arch rival Tom Edison. Where Edison’s inventions include the light bulb, the microphone in the telephone and the phonograph, Tesla’s inventions include fluorescent lighting, the AC hydroelectric power system and wireless communication. Tesla is therefore mostly billed as an inventor.

COMMENTARY:  Tesla applied for over a thousand patents.  He claimed the ideas for his inventions were given to him by Alien Beings who communicated with him telepathically.  His description of that dialogue is very similar to the communication that occurs when in possession with Ela.  Tesla’s mother was a gifted medium and all through his life Tesla communicated directly with animals especially pigeons.

The fact is, Tesla was also a physicist who studied in college such courses as analytic geometry, experimental physics and higher mathematics.1 In his early 1890s lectures at Columbia University, the Chicago World’s Fair and at Royal Societies in Paris and London, building on the ideas of Isaac Newton and Lord Kelvin, Tesla demonstrated and discussed the structure of atoms as being similar to solar systems and wave-like and particle-like aspects to what later became known as the photon. Colleagues he lectured before and corresponded with included many Nobel Prize winners like Wilhelm Roentgen, J.J. Thompson, Lord Raleigh, Ernst Rutherford and Robert Millikan and other scientists such as Elmer Sperry, Sir William Crookes, Sir Oliver Lodge, Lord Kelvin, Heinreich Hertz and Hermann von Helmholtz.

COMMENTARY:  Tesla concept of the atom is based on the idea of inter-dimensional energy patterns.  This concept is expressed symbolically in Ifa by the marks of Ode.  The structure of atoms as described by Tesla is consistent with the ancient Egyptian idea of the Merkaba as the basic energy pattern in the universe.

As far as I know, no standard text on the history of physics mentions Tesla even though these ideas would lead to Nobel Prizes when they were further developed by Rutherford and Bohr (with their solar-system description of the atom with electrons orbiting the nucleus) and Einstein’s discovery of the photoelectric effect, which was equivalent to Tesla’s wave and particle-like description of light.

COMMENTARY:  There is no doubt that Tesla’s ideas have been deliberated suppressed.  There are clear indications his research was confiscated by the government after his death and that it was used to produce secret technology used the US intelligence community.

However, another idea which Tesla discussed was abandoned by modern physicists, and that was the concept of the all-pervasive ether. This led to a number of key differences between Tesla’s view of the world as compared to that of Albert Einstein (1879-1955). Tesla disagreed with the findings of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity in a number of ways. As far back as the turn of the century, Tesla thought that he had intercepted cosmic rays emanating from the sun that attained velocities “vastly exceeding that of light.” In the last decade of his life he also claimed that these cosmic rays could be harnessed to generate electrical power. Tesla also saw radioactivity as evidence of the material body absorbing energy as much as it was giving it up.

COMMENTARY:  In the topographical metaphor of Ifa symbolic language what Tesla called ether is called Ala in the language of Ifa.  Ala represents white light or the fundamental building block of creation.  This light has consciousness and weaves together the entire fabric of creation which is why Ala is sometimes translated to mean white cloth metaphor of cloth describing the threads that hold creation together.  This metaphor is consistent with string theory in quantum physics which postulates narrow bands of energy as the gateway between dimensions in a multi-dimensional universe.

On a separate front, the inventor stated that the impulses transmitted from his turn of the century Wardenclyffe wireless transmitting tower would also travel at velocities in excess of the speed of light. He likened the effect to the moon’s shadow spreading over the Earth.

COMMENTARY:  The secret of free electricity is coded into Odu Ifa and is one of the ancient mysteries of Ifa that is preserved in the awo of Ifa.

It is very difficult to explicate the first two speculations concerning tachyonic (faster than lightspeed) cosmic rays and radioactivity. However, with regard to the third claim, this suggestion that he transmitted energy at speeds in excess of the speed of light can be discussed from a variety of points of view. As the Earth has a circumference of roughly 25,000 miles, and light travels at about 186,000 miles/second, one can see that it would take light approximately 1/7th of a second to circle the Earth. But does the Earth itself exist in its own realm, that by the nature of its size transcends the speed of light? For example, does the north pole, interact/exist with the south pole instantaneously?  If so, in a sense the theory of relativity is violated as nothing, accordingly, can “travel” faster than the speed of light, yet the Earth’s very electromagnetic unity belies that theory.

COMMENTARY:  The idea of sub-atomic particles moving faster than light is consistent with paranormal phenomena accessed by Ifa.

Taking this concept a step further, does the solar system, or galaxy, when perceived as a functional unit, interact with itself in some way that by necessity makes a mockery of the speed of light? (The galaxy, of course, is hundreds of thousands of light years long.) In fact, when we look at photographs of galaxies, we are seeing entities that are hundreds of thousands of light years long. Certainly these systems have an orthorotational stability, and/or angular momentum which exists as a gestalt (totality) in a realm that easily transcends the speed of light and therefore, in that sense, violates relativity.

COMMENTARY: This theory explains the dynamics of Spirit communication.  It also explains the ability to see into the past and the future.  Particles that travel faster than light carry information into the future.  

Concrete proof that relativity can be violated can be found in George Gamow’s watershed book Thirty Years That Shook Physics. Gamow, one of the founding fathers of quantum physics, tells us that in the mid-1920’s, Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck discovered not only that electrons were orthorotating, but also that they were spinning at 1.37 times the speed of light. Gamow makes it clear that this discovery did not violate anything in quantum physics, what it violated was Einstein’s principle that nothing could travel faster than the speed of light. Paul Adrian Dirac studied the problem. Following in the footsteps of Herman Minkowski, who used an imaginary number i, (the square root of -1) to be equivalent to the time coordinate in space-time equations, Dirac assigned the same number i to electron spin. In this way he was able to combine relativity with quantum mechanics and won a Nobel Prize for the idea in the process (1966, pp. 120-121). That was the upside. The downside was that the finding that elementary particles spin faster than the speed of light as a matter of course went the way of the passenger pigeon. No physicist talks about this anymore. What this means is that the entire evolution of 20th and nascent 21st century physics is evolving ignoring this key Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck finding. The ramifications suggest that elementary particles, by their nature, interface dimensions. Because they are spinning faster than the speed of light, the idea is that they are drawing this energy from the ether, a pre-physical realm, and converting the energy into material form.

COMMENTARY:  This is exactly what would be expected when you view Odu as Merkaba and Merkaba as inter-dimensional portal.  If the science of sub-atomic particules was fully understood it would open the door to accessing free energy, because the portal opened by movement faster than the speed of light allows energy from an invisible dimension to enter the visible universe.

The Structure of the Ether
“On a body as large as the sun, it would be impossible to project a disturbance of this kind [e.g., radio broadcasts] to any considerable distance except along the surface. It might be inferred that I am alluding to the curvature of space supposed to exist according to the teachings of relativity, but nothing could be further from my mind. I hold that space cannot be curved, for the simple reason that it can have no properties. It might as well be said that God has properties. He has not, but only attributes and these are of our own making. Of properties we can only speak when dealing with matter filling the space. To say that in the presence of large bodies space becomes curved, is equivalent to stating that something can act upon nothing. I for one, refuse to subscribe to such a view.” – Nikola Tesla3

COMMENTARY:  This is similar to the Ifa idea that Olorun cannot be limited by concepts rooted in human perception.

In Tesla’s model, a force-field would curve light around large bodies. These ideas were related to Tesla’s original theories on gravity which do not seem to have ever been published but can be ascertained by decoding related articles by or about Tesla from the 1930s and 40s. They also coincide with some of the most recent theories on physics, gravity and magnetism which challenge Einstein’s claim that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.

COMMENTARY:  The ancients understood that gravity comes from the outside the earth and presses down it does not pull things from the earth towards the earth.  Because the ancients understood the true nature of gravity they could move huge stones by altering the effects of gravity.

E. Lerner, writing about “Magnetic Whirlwinds” in Science Digest in 1985, stated that “magnetism is as fundamental as gravity.” Citing the research and theories of plasma physicist A. Peratt of Los Alamos National Laboratory, Lerner noted:
Astronomers using [a]… radio telescope [have]… observed filaments of gas arcing far above the galactic plane. These twisting spirals appeared to be held together by a magnetic field… stretching across 500 light years…. Such magnetic vortices [may] play a major role in the universe… as important… as gravitation.4

COMMENTARY:  In Ifa this phenomena is called Ajalaye Ajalorun the winds of heaven and earth.  The symbol for this phenomena is a spiritual pattern known by the ancients as the Golden Mean.  The pattern of the Golden Mean is coded into the sequence of the senority of Odu.

Another key mystery where Tesla differs from Einstein involves the paradoxical findings of Michelson and Morley who in 1887, tried to detect the ether by using two sets of mirrors pointed at each other and placed miles apart. One set was aimed in the direction the Earth was moving and the other set was aimed at right angles to the movement of the Earth. It was hypothesised that if the ether existed, once an impulse was sent, there would be a difference in the return times of each set, yet no difference was found.

Einstein essentially agreed with the findings by stating that by its nature, the ether could not be detected. However, Einstein also upped the ante considerably by also saying that if the ether could be detected then his theory of relativity was in error.5 Einstein further stated that if light could travel like a particle it would not need a medium (i.e., the ether) to travel through. Even though most of the great scientists of the day such as Maxwell, Faraday, Kelvin, Fitzgerald and Lorentz all accepted the obvious conclusion that there had to a medium of transfer in space, i.e., the ether, all of this was glossed over. This led to a generally accepted conclusion that the ether did not exist and that is the situation today, a full century later! It would take Einstein 15 years before he addressed this glaring misconception but the damage had already been done.

COMMENTARY:  The concept of ether or Ala has been deliberately censored in academia because it is the key to free energy.  The math of the ether or Ala was clearly written down by Clark Maxwell who discovered the zero point in the earth which is the portal or Odu through which free energy travels between dimensions.  It has been proved by historian of science that Maxwell’s math was deliberately distorted by academics.  Not that this is commonly known when you see Maxwell’s tables certain equations are eliminated with a footnote saying the information has been removed from text books for reasons of national security.

In 1920, lecturing at the University of Leiden, on the topic “Ether and the Theory of Relativity,” Einstein stated outright that the ether did exist, that is was necessary as a medium of transfer because light also had wave-like properties. He even wrote Lorentz to clarify this point.6 But by now, the damage had been done. This lecture received little notice, it was ignored in Roland Clark’s watershed biography on Einstein published in 1971, and so the 20th and early 21st centuries evolved in such a way to dismiss entirely ether theory.

COMMENTARY:  Even Einstein admitted that part of his theory which continues to be taught in academia was incorrect.  This is absolute proof of censorship in academia by those who want to control information so they can continue to control resources on the planet.  I believe that knowledge belongs to everyone.

Since in the Michelson Morley experiment light travelled at the same speed in the direction the Earth was moving and at right angles to that direction, Einstein concluded that the speed of light had to be constant (according to the formulas of Special Relativity). He further suggested in 1905 that the ether of 19th century physics was not necessary although what he really meant to say was that it could not be detected. At the time, this was a radical view, it was soon widely accepted, even though it implied that there was nothing between the stars. This concept quickly became dogma as it helped solve a number of dilemmas, for instance, they no longer had to search for the ether because according to this view, it didn’t exist. “Einstein did not disprove the existence of the ether…. He only stated [in Special Relativity] that whether or not it existed, light would always travel at the same speed.”7

COMMENTARY:  The fact that there is ether and that particles can travel faster than light is the key to creating a unified field theory.  The failure of most academics to find a unified field theory is based on failure of academia to accept the incorrect assumptions made by Einstein.  The idea that there is ether and that particles travel faster than light is the basis for the technology associated with HARRP.  This is a machine located in Alaska that is a torsion field weapon that alters the earth’s atmosphere.  This means it can be used to change the weather and create earthquakes.  Some of the apparent natural disasters going on in the world are not natural disasters, they are deliberate manipulations used as part of a hidden war between two powers who have this technology.

From the perspective of popular science writers, “belief in the nonexistence of the ether remained alive, but in actuality, by 1916, Einstein had replaced the old ether in his theory of General Relativity by curved space-time itself. Only, this new ‘ether’ is no longer a medium in three-dimensional Euclidean space, but in four-dimensional non-Euclidean (curved) space-time.”8 It was this idea that was completely unacceptable to Tesla, and he criticised Einstein in the 1930s because of it.

COMMENTARY:  Tesla believed in a multi-dimensional universe.  Ifa teaches that Orun has ten dimensions which is a topographical metaphor for the description of a multi-dimensional universe.

One area where they were in some agreement, however, had to do with the speculations of the German physicist Ernest Mach. Taking his ideas from monotheistic and Buddhist teachings, and from Isaac Newton, who suggested that all material bodies attract one another through gravity, Mach postulated that the mass of any material body, such as the earth, was dependent upon some type of gravitational force from all the stars. In other words, all effects in the universe were related to all others. Einstein wrote Mach to tell him that this idea was intrinsically related to his formulation of the Theory of Relativity.9

COMMENTARY:  This idea is the basis for the theories associated with astrology called Gede in Ifa.  Gravity opens and closes inter-dimensional portals called Odu in Ifa.  This portals have direct influence on spiritual conditions on earth.  Astrology original was developed to chart the opening and closes of portals (Odu) and to explain the influence of these changes.

I have yet to find a direct quote by Tesla of Mach’s Principle, but in an article Tesla wrote in 1915, clearly based upon his writings of 1893, he states exactly this position.
There is no thing endowed with life – from man, who is enslaving the elements, to the nimblest creature – in all this world that does not sway in turn. Whenever action is born from force, though it be infinitesimal, the cosmic balance is upset and universal motion results.10

COMMENTARY:  The verses of Odu chart the various ways the motion becomes manifest.

It seems to me that the interconnectedness between all of the stars in the universe (related to Einstein’s curved space/time) is the ether.11 Similarly, Tesla’s view of the ether aligned itself with that of the Theosophists:

Long ago [I] recognised that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, of a tenuity beyond conception and filling all space – the Akasa or luminiferous ether – which is acted upon by the life-giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles, all things and phenomena.

The primary substance, thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance.12

COMMENTARY:  In the topographical metaphor used by Ifa, the inter-connected nature of the universe is symbolized by the mat which is why the mat is used as sacred space.

Removing the spiritual component from “Akasa,” Tesla postulated that everything in the universe derived its energy from external sources. This corresponded to his model of the automata or remote controlled robot, which received commands from the electrician, and also of himself, that is, of the human condition itself. Denying the Platonic concept of intrinsic motivation, as an Aristotelian, and thus a believer in the idea of thetabula rasa, Tesla assumed that all of his ideas came from external sources even though, paradoxically, his life was the very essence and expression of self-determination and the power of the will. Each hierarchical entity in his system was not endowed with a soul, per se, but rather, a self-directed electrical component which moved by attraction or repulsion.

COMMENTARY:  In Ifa this idea is expressed as the connection between the Ori and the Iponri between the self and the higher self.

As a non-psychologist, Tesla also negated, by necessity, the concept of the unconscious, the archetypes, and also the Freudian id, as primary motivators. So, for instance, a dream would always ultimately derive from some extrinsic factor, never from a completely inner source. However, unlike Einstein, who negated the mental component from his model concerning the primary forces of the universe, Tesla addressed this factor with his construction of the first prototype of a thinking machine, his telautomaton or remote controlled robot which was in the form of a wireless activated boat that the inventor displayed before the public at Madison Square Garden in 1898.13 In essence, for Tesla, the mind was at its basis, a binary electrical system of attractions and repulsions, stimulated from an outside source, and wholly compatible with Pavlov’s stimulus-response reflex model for cognitive processes.

COMMENTARY:  Here Tesla is trying to explain how ideas seem to come to him from nowhere.  In Ifa the source of these ideas would be identified as Orisa.

Smashing Atoms
Tesla also differed with Einstein and the quantum physicists in his view of the structure of the elementary particles and the possible consequences caused by the smashing of atoms. “I have disintegrated atoms in my experiments with a high potential vacuum tube… operat[ing] it with pressures ranging from 4,000,000 to 18,000,000 million volts…. But as to atomic energy, my experimental observations have shown that the process of disintegration is not accompanied by a liberation of such energy as might be expected from present theories.”14
To Tesla, the Theory of Relativity was just “a mass of error and deceptive ideas violently opposed to the teachings of great men of science of the past and even to common sense. The theory wraps all these errors and fallacies and clothes them in magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying error. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king. Its exponents are very brilliant men, but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists.” Writing a decade before the explosion of the atom bomb, and ignoring the space curvature data from the 1919 eclipse which supported Einstein’s idea that space was curved around large bodies such as stars, Tesla suggested that the existence of a force field would account for the same mathematical results. Thus, Tesla brazenly concluded, “Not a single one of the relativity propositions has been proved.”15

COMMENTARY:  The force field described by Tesla is the source of free energy which is why his ideas are not taught in academia.  I believe the idea of relativity as taught by Einstein was a deliberate deception that continues to this day.

It would be shortsighted to simply judge Tesla wrong and Einstein and the quantum physicists right for at least two reasons. (1) Both relativity and quantum theory have been established as incomplete, and in some sense, incompatible, theories on the structure of the universe.16 (2) Tesla was discussing these phenomena from a different perspective that was not completely analogous to the one espoused by the theoretical physicists. In Colorado Springs, for instance, Tesla was generating over 4,000,000 volts, whereas only about 1,000,000 volts is required for separating electrons from the nucleus of an atom. Thus, Tesla was able to disintegrate atoms, but in an entirely different way than that postulated by Einstein or the quantum physicists (for Tesla did not destroy the nucleus). No atomic explosion could ever occur with his type of apparatus. Tesla completely misunderstood the ramifications of Einstein’s equation E = mc2, and the corresponding suppositions of the equivalence of mass and energy. Unfortunately, he would never live to see the proof that tremendous amounts of power were locked inside the tiny space occupied by the nuclei of atoms.17

COMMENTARY:  The ability to separate energy from an atom without causing a nuclear explosion is the basis for the science of alchemy.

Concerning the curvature of space (Einstein) versus the idea of a force field (Tesla), I discussed this point with Edwin Gora, Professor Emeritus, from Providence College. Gora, whose teachers include Werner Heisenberg and Arnold Sommerfeld, agreed that the two concepts might actually be different viable ways of describing the same thing. Both Tesla and Einstein are trying to describe the fundamental structure of space and its relationship to the constancy of lightspeed and gravity.
In an obscure paper I discovered on the web published by M. Shapkin but supposedly written by Tesla, Shapkin/Tesla states that the reason why light only travels at one speed, 186,000 mph, is because the ether, its medium of transfer, slows down photonic energy to that rate the same way air slows down sound to its constant speed.18 According to this view, the ether is a specific medium that restricts the speed of light to exactly the speed that it is. This is a very exciting theory because it suggests that the energy which manifests itself as light ultimately exists in a tachyonic realm, that is, in a realm that exceeds the speed of light.

COMMENTARY:  This suggests that unlimited energy can be produced by creating a vacuum which is exactly the point of alchemy.

Another aspect of this ether theory which derives from Tesla and numerous other modern writers such as Price and Gibson, Ed Hatch, Vencislav Bujic, Ron Heath, Warren York and David Wilcox outlined in detail in my book Transcending the Speed of Light, is that matter is constantly absorbing ether all the time.

COMMENTARY:  This is the process of transformation described in the Odu Iwori Meji which is the mystery of change in the universe.

If we look at the structure of matter, we see that it is comprised of atoms, which is, essentially, electrons orbiting protons and neutrons. But neutrons are, by definition, protons sandwiched to electrons. So the fundamental structure of matter is just two particles, electrons and protons and a glue that binds these atoms into molecules, which are photons. These particles spin. What keeps them spinning? Ether theory suggests that elementary particles are absorbing ether all the time to maintain their spin. And when they do this, they emanate the absorbed energy as electromagnetic fields. That is the link between gravity and electromagnetism.

COMMENTARY:  This is a description of the inherent balance in nature that comes from combing any Odu with its opposite Odu, meaning balance through male and female equity.  Using the topographical metaphor of Ifa gravity is female and electromagnetism is male.

Take the Earth, for instance. Classical physics sees the force of gravity as some type of almost magical attractive force between stars and planets. Ether theory has a totally different view. The reason we fall back to the Earth when we jump up is not this mystical force of gravity, but rather it is because the Earth is constantly absorbing a tremendous amount of ether to keep all of its elementary particles spinning. We are just in the way of this influx. This view explains what gravity is, and also explains Tesla’s seemingly odd statement that the sun is absorbing more energy than it is radiating. The more you think about it, the more this seemingly nutty idea makes perfect sense. The sun requires a gargantuan amount of etheric energy to keep its integrity.

COMMENTARY:  The energy absorbed by the sun comes from the ether meaning the sun is proof of the ability of free energy.

Grand Unification
Now we go to Einstein, who as we learn from the new Isaacson biography, came to reject Mach’s principle. Einstein did indeed see a connection between gravity and acceleration, but he was not ready to accept the etheric view, because to do so would mean to drive a stake through his precious theory of relativity. Remember, he said that if ether could be detected, then his theory was wrong.
According to the etheric view as espoused by the various writers listed above, Price and Gibson, et al., ether is easily detected. If you are driving in a car and accelerate greatly, you will feel a G-force. This is an increased absorption of ether. That’s what a G-force is. Ether flowing into matter is gravity, matter flowing rapidly through ether, that is, acceleration, is experienced as a G-force.
Einstein started to become aware of this in 1916, just as Louis de Broglie’s wave mechanics was coming into vogue. Where before that time physicists were looking at electrons and protons as particles, de Broglie emphasised the wave aspect of their nature. Looking at electrons as waves rather than particles makes it a lot easier to understand a quantum leap, or the shift of an electron from one orbit to another without going into an in-between state. From this de Broglie wavelike point of view, quantum leaps occur when electrons simply shift their point of focus. Once de Broglie began to gain acceptance, elementary particles including photons were now looked at more from the wave point of view and this view was more in accord with the necessity for an ether as the medium of transfer for light, for instance, to get from the sun to the Earth.

COMMENTARY:  A quantum leaps is the mechanism through which one Odu evolves into another Odu.

Initially, Einstein was still too caught up in his particle view and in Mach’s principle which suggested that all matter in the universe was interdependent. Thus, concerning rotating bodies, Einstein would write the young mathematician Karl Schwarzchild on January 9, 1916, “Inertia is simply an interaction between masses, not an effect in which space of itself is involved, separate from the observed mass.” Schwarzchild, Isaacson points out, disagreed. Now, four years later, in 1920 after reconsidering the necessity of the ether, for instance, as a means to propagate light, Einstein changed his mind. He abandoned Mach’s Principle and now saw that a rotating body did not obtain its inertia from, and in relations to, all the rest of the matter in the universe [Mach’s Principle], but on its own accord due simply to “its state of rotation [because] space is endowed with physical qualities.”19

COMMENTARY:  The topographical metaphor of Ifa expresses this idea by saying everything  in Creation has Ori or consciousness,

Because of the power of de Broglie’s emphasis on particle wave theory, Einstein shifted gears to be current. Back ahead of the curve, he lectured on the ether at Leiden University (discussed above). Einstein never came to view gravity as the absorption of ether by elementary particles and electromagnetism as a product of this process, because to do so would be to abandon relativity. Einstein also never was able to integrate gravity into his grand unification scheme, a problem he wrestled with for the entire last half of his life.

COMMENTARY:  In simple terms Einsteins theory does not work and the question is why is it still the basis of academic physics?

Once it is realised that electrons spin at speeds in excess of the speed of light, a new paradigm is born. The idea simply is that the elementary particles, by their nature, are absorbing ether all the time. This influx is what gravity is. As ether is absorbed two things happen. (1) The process enables the elementary particles to maintain their spin, and (2) Simultaneously, this etheric energy, probably stemming from what some physicists call the zero point energy realm, which is a vast reservoir of untapped energy, is transformed into electromagnetic energy. That is Grand Unification, Einstein’s dream of how to combine gravity with electromagnetism.

Tesla understood ether theory a lot better than Einstein did, but obviously, Tesla also did not truly understand the ramifications of Einstein’s famous equation E=mc2. He dismissed it as mathematical poppycock. Had he lived a few more years to see the explosion of the atom bomb, Tesla would have been forced to re-evaluate what he had discarded, and had Einstein re-evaluated the full ramifications of Tesla’s ether theory, he may have been able to achieve his grand dream of unifying gravity with electromagnetism, a process explainable by a full understanding of ether theory.
A large number of thinking physicists believe that an ether of sorts exists, and that forces of some type may transcend lightspeed. Once one begins to study ether theory, profound new insights concerning such things as particle spin, zero point energy, the fundamental structure of matter and space, the constancy of lightspeed and the link between gravity and electromagnetism begin to emerge.

COMMENTARY:  The structure of the ability of atoms to asorb ether is coded in the marks of Odu.  These marks are a two dimensional representation of a three dimensional energy pattern called a Merkaba by the ancient Egyptions.  Odu Ifa is the map of unified field theory as explained by Tesla.  It is the key to understanding the structure of the Universe.

The above is excerpted and adapted with permission from Marc J. Seifer’s book Transcending The Speed Of Light: Consciousness, Quantum Physics & the Fifth Dimension (Inner Traditions, 2008).
1. Marc Seifer, Wizard: The Life & Times of Nikola Tesla, New York: Birch Lane, 1996, pp. 18-19.
2. One need not resort to Bell’s theorem of non-locality, or instantaneous transference of information, or the new worm hole theories, each which suggest extra dimensions, to follow the argument as far as I have taken it.
3.Nikola Tesla, Pioneer radio engineer gives views on power. In J. Ratzlaff (Ed.), Tesla Said. Millbrae, CA: Tesla Book Company, 1984, pp. 240-242.
4. E. Lerner, ‘Magnetic whirlwinds’, Science Digest, 6/1985, p. 26.
5. Roland Clark, Einstein: The Life & Times, NY: World Publishing, 1971, p. 78.
6. Walter Isaacson, Einstein: His Life & Universe, New York: Simon & Schuster, 2007, p. 318.
7. Edwin Gora, Physics Department, Providence College, private correspondence, 1991.
8. Ibid.
9. Einstein had really postulated two theories. The special theory of relativity postulated in 1905, dealing with uniform motions, and the general theory, which dealt with motions speeding up and slowing down. Mach’s principle is linked to the general theory.
10. Nikola Tesla, (1915), in Lectures, Patents, Articles, Belgrade: Nikola Tesla Museum, 1956, p. A-172.
11. Or one hierarchical dimension of it. Further, each point in space (in a galaxy) codes for every other point, as each contain the intersecting light from every star in the system. This idea is associated with holographic principles and the “enfolded order” where the whole is distributed throughout each part, as expounded by such theoreticians as David Bohm.
12. Nikola Tesla, 7/6/1930; J. Ratzlaff, (Ed.), Solutions to Tesla’s Secrets, Milbrae, CA: Tesla Book Company, 1981, p. 91.
13. Einstein, however, did not negate the conscious component from his philosophy. “I want to know how God created the world,” Einstein said. “I want to know his thoughts; the rest are details” [from E. Mallove, ‘Einstein’s Intoxication with God and the Cosmos’, Washington Post, 12/22/1985].
14. Nikola Tesla, ‘Radio power will revolutionize the world’, Modern Mechanix & Invention, 7/1934, pp. 40-42; 117-119.
15. Nikola Tesla, ‘Tesla, 79, promises to transmit force’, New York Times, 7/11/1935, 23:8; in Nikola Tesla, 1981, pp. 128-130.
16. “A principle of physics that Einstein held even more dear than determinism was the principle of local causality – that distant events cannot instantaneously influence local objects without mediation. What the EPR [Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen] argument did… was to show that quantum theory violated causality. This finding startled most physicists, because they held the principle of local causality sacred. This mean that either quantum physics was incomplete or non-local events [i.e., instantaneous information transmission] occurred.” The Cosmic Code, by Heinz Pagels, Bantam Books, NY, 1982, p. 139.
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is also incomplete, as physicists have not, as yet, obtained a Grand Unification Theory based upon it. See, for instance ‘Einstein’s Dream’, by Gary Taubes, Discover, 12/1983, p. 48, whereby an 11 dimensional graviton (gravity particle) has been postulated as the ultimate particle to explain supergravity, quarks, electrons, etc.
17. It would take approximately 55 million volts to vaporise carbon, but only 4.37 million volts to change carbon into helium, the latter case within the parameters Tesla was capable of achieving [calculations performed by E. Gora]. A pound of carbon, on the other hand, if converted into nuclear energy, could provide enough electricity to run the country for an entire month [from Coleman, 1958, p. 54].
18. Mikhail Shapkin, “Unknown Manuscript of Nicola Tesla.”
19. Marc Seifer, Transcending the Speed of Light, p. 96; Isaacson, p. 125.
About the Author
MARC J. SEIFER Ph.D. is well known to the International Tesla Society, has spoken at all 7 biennial Colorado Springs Tesla Symposia 1984-1996, as well at the United Nations, West Point Military Academy, Brandeis University, the University of Vancouver, Canada, Cambridge University and Oxford University, England, in Jerusalem, Israel, in Zagreb, Croatia and in Belgrade and Novi Sad in Serbia. He is the author of Inward Journey: From Freud to Gurdjieff, Wizard: The Life & Times of Nikola Tesla and Transcending the Speed of Light, Consciousness, Quantum Physics and the Fifth Dimension published by Inner Traditions. His website
The above article appeared in New Dawn No. 113 (March-April 2009).
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